Classic Album of the Moment

death album of month
Spirtual Healing
Key Tracks: Altering The Future, Spiritual Healing

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PANZERCHRIST - Battalion Beast

Battalion Beast
Neurotic Records

As with so many albums, production is the factor in keeping Battalion Beast from being a truthfully great record. Although it's likely that this is intentional to a certain degree, the bony, tinny production encountered here is much more suitable toward bands like Arkhon Infaustus and Angelcorpse than a outfit with a stronger Death Metal perspective like Panzerchrist. With out the low-end rumbling and compressed sound that characterizes so many brilliant Death Metal records, the impact is substantially lost. While Battalion Beast certainly has better production than the band's last full-length attempt, Room Service, it still does not bear the proper weight required to make this a great Death Metal album.

This is not to say that the intense, yet balanced "War In The North" or "Flame Of The Panzerchrist", a cut that gets started with a doomy preface (complete with tolling bell) and is followed by a Slayer-esque, medium-paced bout of chugging, aren't the type of cuts that make you want to gain a swift case of whiplash. These tracks are good, they could simply sound better. Most impressive is the rapid-fire blasting and solid footwork from drummer Reno Hilligsø Kiilerich. Hisstamina and exertion forms the backbone of the track "He Is Dead Who Will Not Fight." Kiilerich's playing elevates Panzerchrist from being an average group to one that shows glimpses of dominance.

All in all, Battalion Beast is yet another solid effort from these war-mongering Danes. While there’s not much progression to be seen on this album, the group still executes its deathly war with body-stacking effectiveness. While not yet in a league with Impaled Nazarenes of the metal world, Battalion Beast brings Panzerchrist one step closer to such greatness.

Written By: The Boatman